Penang Trip: Entopia
Entopia, the real-life alternative to Zootopia. Instead of animals, the formerly-named Penang Butterfly Farm not only sets our hearts aflutter, but also makes our stomachs churn. Butterflies merely evoke an imagined utopia to lure us into the dungeon of scorpions and tarantulas!

Gorgeous exterior. Entopia was revamped and reopened this year to raving reviews.

Getting priorities wrong: Eating shoots when a spidey is on your head.

Scorpions dancing off to their own Uptown Funk.

Viewed thru a semi-spherical lens. Creeped me out totally! (feat. le butterfly)
Fear not if creeps aren’t your thing. More popular creatures are usually outdoors!

Butterflies reign supreme; cameras second! Avoid hurting them if they land on you 😮

Dragonfly & Damselfly guide. Very patient, likeable. The experience with Entopia staff was all pleasant!

Forever alone. *sniff sniff* At least it gets the food.

Where’s my food? (hehe)
After the serotonin boost, we headed indoors again for more educational exhibitions. Unlike the outdoors, we were in small company. Apparently most think it’s worth skipping. Don’t! Apart from cooling your bodies, there are plenty of creatures still to see!

Caught sight of one outdoors, but this livewire just wouldn’t pause for a shot!

They look much more alarming than in textbooks… You should see how they climb up and hang off the top!

Would you sit on this?

Specimens are not to everyone’s likings, but they are readily available for sale.
Before departing for Penang, I considered Entopia my must-go destination. I wasn’t high on insects, but I appreciate good curations. As promised by other reviewers, the layout at Entopia is really intuitive and the live and specimen collections simply spell-binding. Despite so many spoiler photos here there’s still a whole lot unmentioned, waiting for you to discover!
Understandably, the RM49 entrance fee makes this a clearly tourist-targeted attraction. We entered for RM39 due to the opening promotion. Also, if you are aged 4 to 12, or 60 and above (by YOB, not DOB), congrats, it’s only RM29!
It’s regretful that locals may be priced out of this facility. But if you can afford it, are just a tad curious in the world of insects, or are seeking family-friendly fun, visit Entopia! It will take you about 2 to 3 hours. Time well spent, since Entopia is – ironically – much more of a museum than the various fun “museums” in Penang.