Category: Travel

Queenstown, New Zealand Travel Scenery

4 Years of Travel across the Seas of Opinions

Four years ago, I thought that travel was pointless, or at least optional. It was nearing the end of my two years in National Service, and over two months till the start of university. But I was in no mood to travel. Those years after JC were my most socially...

9 Unorthodox Ideas for Your Graduation Trip

University exams are over, and mostly everyone are on about or off on their graduation trips. It is peak hour on Instagram. So if all you are travelling to is home, and you are prone to losing control of your emotions, then please take a detour to avoid the traffic....

Sociology of Tourism

Reading List: NUS SC2217 Sociology of Tourism

NUS SC2217 is the module for which my notes are most incomplete. The readings total about 70, though most of them were optional. Not that I adhered to the arbitrary classification; I read only those which caught my interest. While there is a certain messiness to the module, it does...

Kranji Countryside - Bollywood Veggies - Pond

Kranji Countryside: The “Rural” Face of Singapore

Three dollars and you get a seat on the hourly shuttle bus from the Kranji train station to Kranji Countryside. I chose to drop off at Bollywood Veggies, a 10-acre farm featuring huge varieties of plants. This was only matched by the handwritten signs educating visitors on the crops they...

Erik Cohen Typology

Erik Cohen: Which of 4 Types of Tourists Are You?

“上车睡觉, 下车尿尿.” This rhyming refrain is used to describe the ways of package tourists: Sleep on the bus; pee off the bus. Indeed, that was what I found myself doing when travelling overseas in my teenage years. And then my family started travelling free-and-easy. What easy?! But travelling need not be placed in...

Penang Entopia Alligator

Penang Trip: Entopia

Entopia, the real-life alternative to Zootopia. Instead of animals, the formerly-named Penang Butterfly Farm not only sets our hearts aflutter, but also makes our stomachs churn. Butterflies merely evoke an imagined utopia to lure us into the dungeon of scorpions and tarantulas! Fear not if creeps aren’t your thing. More...