Category: Education

A Sociological Empath

3 Approaches to Writing Group Essays in University

To think of it, I have only done one group essay before entering university: A-Level PW. In JC, the mode of assessment was invariably timed tests and exams. There were group presentations, yes, but never group papers. It might as well be the case, because turning out essays alone was...

A Sociological Empath

Degrees of Honour: First Class or Third?

I have been working part-time for my school’s Commencement ceremony. The work is mundane – more on that another day – but the access to individual transcripts made me wonder about the differing trajectories, and also think about the journey I’m a year into. Here are 5 discoveries: You can...

Sociology of Lecture Theatres

Lessons in Lecturing

What happens in a lecture hall? What else, but lecturers lecturing to the lectured? Not always, for that will be quite an indictment on the quality of teaching. But that’s for another day. I’m more interested in talking about the little things that subtly shape our experiences in those chambers...

A Sociological Empath

Sociology vs Political Science: Why I Picked The Former

“I always thought you were going to do Political Science.” So it seemed, to many around me. (It must have been my acute interest in the 2008 US presidential elections.) It’s clear by now that I’m opting for Sociology. Yet the truth is, Political Science had never once been my...

A Sociological Empath

After-Effects of NS (for an FASS student)

I view my life in 6-month increments. 1st half, 2nd half. I find it a useful medium-term outlook, to make plans and work on them. Maybe it’s the conditioning of a dozen years of school. Perhaps it speaks to the larger constraints of working society. Nonetheless, I find it functional...

A Sociological Empath

Primary School – Different Teachers Needed

Primary School counts as one of my most cherished times in my first 21 years of life. I was well-liked by teachers and peers alike, either because of my courteous ways or my mathematical prowess. While PSLE must have stressed many out, I am thankful for a nurturing environment that...