Tagged: Module Reviews

Dissociation from Sociology and SEO

Reading List: NUS SC2220 Gender Studies

Gender is a hot topic among Sociology students. And so it is among American citizens. The failed campaign of what would be the first female US president coincided with the election of someone recorded on tape boasting of sexual misconduct. If you take a cultural angle towards politics, the backlash...

Sociology of Tourism

Reading List: NUS SC2217 Sociology of Tourism

NUS SC2217 is the module for which my notes are most incomplete. The readings total about 70, though most of them were optional. Not that I adhered to the arbitrary classification; I read only those which caught my interest. While there is a certain messiness to the module, it does...

NUS SC2216 Emotions and Social Life

Reading List: NUS SC2216 Emotions and Social Life

Philosophy intrigues me. But like most of you, I hold onto a stereotypical fear of the subject: too abstract. In some sense we are right; there are technical branches within philosophy which deal with signs and symbols. (Not the kind of ‘logic’ we understand.) Yet there is also phenomenology, which...

NUS SC2211 Medical Sociology - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Reading List: NUS SC2211 Medical Sociology

Ri An asked us to each name a medical condition observed in the film, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. When it was my turn, I said “delusion”. Murmurs broke out in the class. Voices emerged and explained that delusion was not a medical condition, but a symptom. There was...

A Sociological Empath

NUS “Must-Take” Sociology Modules

Five semesters in, I finally feel like I belong with Sociology. Much has to do with the way I constitute ideas. I don’t rush into asking questions, making judgments, or finding formulas. I prefer to tackle readings on a clean slate and allow them to settle into the subconscious, until...

How I Pick Sociology Modules

Why take Sociology if you don’t exercise your agency? 4 factors at play: Timetable, Assessment, Curriculum, Self-Development.