Are Street Buskers Marginalized in Singapore?
Buskers are rooted while pedestrians keep moving. They are passively labelled an ‘other’, to the extent they cannot perceive possibilities beyond entertainment.
Finding a Fit for Life's Funcʃions
Buskers are rooted while pedestrians keep moving. They are passively labelled an ‘other’, to the extent they cannot perceive possibilities beyond entertainment.
Textbook that’s heavy. Paper that’s light. Now, paper on top of textbook; let’s try this. One, two – and three! Plop goes the textbook – and paper. Pop goes my heart, because the Physics teacher then does something none of my ex-teachers are likely to have done… heck, most students couldn’t...
A tale for migrants of low privilege, prejudiced locals, aspiring writers, and underdog story lovers.
Steph Micayle. She has become all the buzz this new year. Her unrestrained criticism of Singapore has garnered much attention and stirred passionate discussion. Her viral video has received many thumbs up. Yet, many others are also concerned. Some bloggers gave witty responses; one of them even critiqued the video...